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Carp to 48lbs and Catfish to 86lb over 370 fish in total. The depth of Six Islands is between 10-12ft & 8 acres of water, with many island features, neatly presented and easily accessible swims.Which are pegged out  so every anglers knows where they are fishing So call the office and book a place on our six island''s lake (members only)




All leadcore is now BANNED from all parts of willowcroft lake''s

No Floating baits allowed on site

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Seadyke lake: We have carp to 20lb with also your normal course fish which will provide a great days fishing, If you want a course angling experience of a life time then pack your gear and head down to Willowcroft Fisheries ,For a day you wont forget



Cafe lake is a runs water and have carp up to 42lb and catfish up to 103 lb,this is a day and night fishing lake.